Heavenly Father, we honor your name. Your Kingdom has come, may every knee bow. Let your
will be done on earth as it is in heaven, let your will be done in our lives as it is in heaven.
Thank you for the seed of your Kingdom, the word of God that you have sowed into our hearts.
Do not let the evil one snatch away that seed.
Soften our hearts so that the seed, your word, can put down deep roots that do not shrivel up
and die when faced with adversity.
Remove from our lives and from our minds any concerns for the things of this world, things that
choke out the word and prevent it from healthy, abundant growth.
Let your word dwell in our hearts, growing in understanding, gaining strength through use. Let
your word produce a harvest thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times over as we share that word
with others, planting seed in their hearts. We pray this prayer for them also.
As yeast works its way through a batch of dough, let your Kingdom spread throughout the
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your Kingdom, working to share it with others.