Where is The Kingdom of Heaven?
When I ask that question of myself or anyone else that is familiar with Yeshua’s teachings in the gospels, the quick habitual answer is: “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” from Luke, chapter 17.
In our gospels, we have some of the teachings of Yeshua. He spent three years explaining to crowds in parables, what the Kingdom of Heaven is like and who can enter the Kingdom (how to enter).
- If we enter The Kingdom when we become believers and seek to do the will of The Father .would you say The Kingdom is present on earth?
The first mention of the Kingdom of Heaven in our gospels is in Matthew 3:1 -2 where John the Baptist came preaching “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (NASB). In Matthew 4, after Yeshua’s 40 days in the wilderness, Yeshua began preaching the same message.
If the Kingdom is at hand, doesn’t that imply a presence on earth?
I believe based on scripture that The Kingdom of Heaven has a presence here on earth within GOD’s people that do His will.
Just as Yeshua taught His disciples to pray: “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” I believe we are connected to The Father and His Son, Yeshua in The Kingdom of heaven through His Holy Spirit at work in us. I believe that citizens of The Kingdom of Heaven seek to do The Father’s will. I believe that is where you will find The Kingdom of Heaven – in heaven because The Father’s will is honored and done in heaven – and on earth within His people because His will is honored and done by His people.
It’s a heart matter.