Today’s post is just a quote of questions posed in THE LIFE WITH GOD BIBLE, study bible, Richard J Foster, Dallas Willard, Walter Brueggemann, Eugene H. Peterson. From the Introduction to the Gospel of John, the section entitled, “I Am” Statements Advance Adoration –
page 154, formatting bullets added for emphasis:
…the “I am” statements continually force us to ask, “Is Jesus who He says He is?”
- Is He the Bread of my life?
- Do I live by His light?
- Do I enter through Him as the Gate to salvation, or do I keep trying to rescue myself?
- Do I trust Him to Shepherd me?
- Do I depend upon His Resurrection, or do I keep trying to lift myself up?
- Do I let Him be the Way for me or do I keep asking for directions?
- Is He the Truth by which I judge all other lesser truths?
- Is He my Life, or do I employ entertainment to bring me life?
- Do I abide in Him, cling to Him as a branch to a Vine, and draw all my spiritual nourishment from Him?
I believe we all could benefit from self examination by asking ourselves these questions and pondering deep and truthfully for the answers.
‘nough said.
It’s a heart matter.